Saturday, August 27

New Natural Hairstyle for African American Women

If there is one thing that black women have to deal with, it's their hair. I wanted to try something different with this post, I wanted to show you how I've styled my hair for school--a style that is as beautiful as the hard work that was put into it.

So, I have this thing about people touching my hair. It goes like this--if you aren't my mother, don't touch it. Seriously! My mom is the BEST at doing my hair. She knows how to straighten it well, she used to perm my hair when I was younger, and then when I began going natural (I quit relaxing my hair in 2009) she began straightening my hair again. I didn't let anyone else touch my hair since.

The transition to going natural was SO HARD because I lacked all the resources to doing my hair--I also didn't know how to braid. My hair was often dry and not curly or wavy at all. It was just there. But I've had enough time to experiment and this is what I've come up with. The two-strand twist. It's perfect for my face. I wore this hairstyle every single day for my first week at school. If you do the twists small enough (meaning, use less hair in each twist) the style will look a lot looser and freer. It will also fall closer to your face. This hairstyle took me 3 hours to do because of the twisting. You think it wouldn't take that long but it did. Once you get it down to a science it shouldn't take nearly as long. But it did. I am happy with the results!

Later in the week, I decided to play with the style a bit and took it down. It was so scary because the style began to get a bit dusty looking and I just was afraid to go to school with a dusty two-strand twist style. Trust me, it does NOT look good. So I took a risk. My hair was dry so I put some "Shine" (an oil that makes your hair look shiny and feel soft) in my hair and undid each twist slowly by gently pulling each twist apart. The results? WAVY HAIR! I loved the look! Not to mention, I was sporting the Soft Lavender Hair Combs from Flowers From Fatima. They accentuated my hairstyle so much! :) Overall, I'm very happy with the look. Success!

So, the look may have taken a while to work out but it provided perfect results. I love it! Thanks Flowers From Fatima for adding some pep to my style! Oh, and thank you fingers and wavy natural hair for helping me produce the style!

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